Reliability Laboratory - L7
Laboratory Head — Dr. Octavian Buiu (

Mission: Providing tools to improve the technology and design of sensors, actuators and microsystems, by the establishment and improvement of quality and reliability in a Concurrent Engineering approach [1].

The Reliability Laboratory of IMT is in the Board of the network “European Microsystem Reliability – EUMIREL”, launched in December 2007 – which is aimed to deliver reliability services on microsystems. Other EUMIREL members: IMEC (Belgium), Polytechnic of Milan (Italy), Fraunhofer Institute Duisburg; (Germany), 4M2C (Germany), NovaMEMS (France), Baolab (Spain), University of Lancaster (UK) University; of Warsaw (Poland), University of Budapest (Hungary), QinetiQ Sensors and Electronics (UK).

The Reliability Laboratory of IMT was member of the Network of Excellence “Design for Micro and Nano Manufacture PATENT-DfMM”, financed by IST / FP6 for the period January 2004-June 2008 with 24 European partners (research institutes, universities, companies) from: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Hungary , The Netherlands, Poland, Ireland and Romania.

[1] M. Bâzu, „Concurent Engineering - A Tool for Improving MEMS Research and Manufacturing”, 24th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL), Nis, Serbia & Montenegro, 16-19 Mai 2004, pp.41-48




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Last update: June 2023